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Tongfei Qin

PhD Student, Root-Soil-Microbial-Interactions

Phone: 306-966-3715
Email: tongfei.qin@usask.ca

Tongfei is a visiting research student at GIFS in the area of Root-Soil-Microbial Interactions. Tongfei is currently studying in the College of Resources and Environment at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University.

As a member of Construction Quality and Efficient Ecological Tea Garden project, Tongfei has made contributions in increasing yield, improving the quality of tea and promoting the efficient use of fertilizer concerned with environmental protection. Now he wants to learn more about 2D&3D Reconstruction and Dynamic Modeling of Root Architecture.

In the first year of his Master’s degree, Tongfei spent much of his time and energy on specialized courses and was familiar with frontier science of this field. He has also fostered other skills and competencies, including UAV driving, computer operation and video making.
