Our Services

Cell Biology

Designed to provide technical expertise and scale to support plant biology research, serving as a practical tool for cultivar improvement for our research programs, our partners and the agbiotech ecosystem.

The Cell Biology Platform at GIFS is a plant transformation service platform that produces plants with novel traits (PNT) – to advance agricultural research.

Within GIFS, the platform contributes to a greater understanding of plant biology, root-soil-microbial interactions and resilient agriculture. For the agriculture and agri-food ecosystem, the platform provides access to a practical tool for crop improvement in breeding programs.

With a goal to deliver practical solutions that address food security sustainably, GIFS’ Cell Biology Platform can produce plants with novel traits (PNT) to:

  • Advance the understanding of basic gene functions in model plants;
  • Develop crops with important characteristics (from superior physiological functions to cope with environmental stresses to improved yield and nutritional values).


Our Services

Arabidospsis Thaliana – Floral dip transformation method
Canola (species used)
Double Haploid (species used)
Wheat (species used)

We look forward  to discussing additional needs you may have on additional plant species of interest that may not be addressed above.
Reach out to us at partnerwithus@gifs.ca to see how we can help.

The Cell Biology Platform, fully implemented, will deliver high-throughput transformation pipelines for model plants and economically important crops providing researchers and plant breeders access to expertise and an integrated infrastructure for an end-to-end service experience. This will:

  • Decrease time to decision: Our experts have the knowledge and expertise to deliver requests in a timely manner and of high quality. Our integrated infrastructure allows us access to plant growth facilities (PGF), omics platform (OPAL) for molecular characterization confirmation, and bioinformatics expertise in our Data management & Analytics (DMA) platform for a one stop shop for services allowing researchers and breeders to make faster and more informed decisions.
  • Save money and resource allocation: Our experts and integrated infrastructure is set-up and equipped to provide plant transformation services at a high quality and as needed. Developing and implementing an in-house solution is not always an option or accessible given the time, cost, and frequency of use. CBP allows researchers and breeders access to a reliable service.
  • Risk mitigation: CBP already has the expertise necessary to deliver reliable results on established pipelines and parameters.