Dear GIFS partners and stakeholders,
The current situation in relation to COVID-19 is unprecedented and calls for fast and flexible measures to ensure the health, safety and protection of all GIFS staff, partners, stakeholders and visitors.
GIFS continues to monitor the situation and updates from the University of Saskatchewan, the provincial and federal governments and health authorities. We are committed to doing what we can to maintain the health and safety of our internal and external stakeholders. As such, I would like to inform you of the following measures we have taken, effective immediately:
- GIFS offices are now closed. Please email our staff directly if you would like to meet with them online or by phone. Contact details are listed on our website’s ‘About’ drop-down pages.
- For business development enquiries, please email: chris.barker@gifs.ca.
- For media enquiries, please email: olufunke.okochi@gifs.ca.
- GIFS staff have begun to work remotely, until further notice.
- In view of all the above, we have moved from physical to virtual meetings, using various technology platforms available.
These thoughtful measures will allow us to maintain our operations, continue to interact with our stakeholders and do our part to help flatten the curve of COVID-19. We continue to pay attention to updates, recommendations and advice from our governments and health experts, and will adapt our responses as needed.
Thank you for your understanding and my best wishes at this time and always.
Steven R. Webb (PhD)
Global Institute for Food Security.